Details of the Special Organized Sessions

OS1 Developments in Data Science and AI

We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper for the special organized session of SAES 2024 dedicated to developments in Data Science (DS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The technology of DS and AI has been developed to process, analyze and generate various types of data on computer such as texts, tables, graphs, signals and images with vast applications in natural language processing, image processing and bioinformatics, to name just a few. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult for researchers to get to know other researchers working on different aspects of the field spreading from theory to applications in various domains. The objective of this session is to put these researchers together and provide an open and informal opportunity to exchange their problems and ideas. The topics of this session include, but not limited to; Image processing, Visualization, Medical imaging, Bioinformatics and computational biology, Graph Algorithms, Optimization, Sensor Data Processing, Data mining, Information retrieval, Text searching and indexing, Natural language processing, Spoken language processing, Computational linguistics

OS2 Neuromorphic AI Models, Materials, Circuits, and Applications

We invite you to submit a paper for the special session, “Neuromorphic AI Models, Materials, Circuits, and Applications” in SAES2024. Although current AI technologies based on deep learning have achieved remarkable results in various tasks, we face some problems, such as difficulty training from a little training data and considerable power consumption. Neuromorphic AI hardware inspired by the biological brain can be one of the solutions to the problems because humans can learn from few experiences to acquire episodic memories and the brain consumes low power. Especially, studies utilizing dynamics latent in materials for computation have a big potential of realization for the neuromorphic AI hardware and they are expected to be utilized in edge AI, such as mobile robots and autonomous driving systems. The objective of this session is to provide an open and informal atmosphere for discussion studies related to neuromorphic AI hardware and we call for presentations regarding (but not limited); /Neuromorphic AI model /Material science for neuromorphic AI /Digital/analog circuits for neuromorphic AI /Applications of neuromorphic AI

OS3 Underwater Robot and Technology

Because human activity is restricted underwater, underwater robots are often used for surveys and inspections. However, there are many disturbances underwater, such as ocean currents and turbulent currents, so it difficult to develop an underwater robot that can reliably perform the desired task. This session aims to realize underwater robots that can contribute to society, and discusses the elemental technologies related to underwater robot.

OS4  Science by Using Space Technology

We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper in SAES for the science by using space technology. Science related to space technology is evolving to meet new demands in many applications. The objective of this session is to provide an open and informal atmosphere for discussion in science related to space technology. In this session, the researchers will exchange their information to discuss the current state and future of science and space technology. This session will focus on research and development for science and technology, including (but not limited); /CubeSat /Data science /Earth observation /Space weather /Astronomy /Machine learning

OS5 Synthetic Biotechnology

We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper in SAES for the synthetic biotechnology. Life science research increasingly requires a synthetic approach to understand biological phenomena. The objective of this session is to introduce the research of the Center for Synthetic Biotechnology at Kyutech and to discuss the development of the basic technologies related to synthetic biology. /Synthetic biotechnology /Life science /Bioinformatics /Biotechnology /Bio-imaging /Biochemistry

OS6 Strengthening International Collaboration for Mitigating Global Warming

We are pleased to announce you to give presentations to the SAES special session focused on international collaboration to mitigate global warming. As global challenges like climate change and microplastic pollution transcend national borders, it is imperative for researchers worldwide to unite their efforts. This session aims to explore our collective role and the current state of research in addressing these critical environmental issues. By introducing ongoing research, particularly in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling microplastic pollution, we hope to inspire and involve universities and researchers from across the globe in joint efforts to develop sustainable solutions. Through collaborative discussions, we seek to lay the groundwork for impactful partnerships that will contribute meaningfully to the fight against climate change. This session will focus on topics including but not limited to; Global warming mitigation strategies Microplastic reduction technologies Sustainable material development International environmental collaborations Circular economy approaches

OS7 Thermal and Related Energy Systems

Energy harvesting and saving technologies catch the significant attention in the thermal management society due to the increase in the power to drive electronic devices and generated heats. The industry requires the novel thermal engineering technology for efficient heat dissipation, thermal insulation, and thermoelectric generation. In addition, integration of thermal management and related energy systems such as photoenergy conversion will be important for efficient energy utilization. Novel materials for these systems are also required. This session focus in research and development of thermal energy engineering including a wide variety of related energy systems such as thermoelectric conversion device and solar energy technology. The session will be composed of four oral papers, and related posters. We call for posters which are open for all the participants of SAES. We are planning to provide the session’s poster award, which is independent of the award provided by the conference organizers. If you want to nominate, please contact the organizer. /Heat spreading and cooling devices /Thermal insulators /Thermoelectric conversion devices /Nanoscale heat transfer /Radiation energy transfer /Mass transport phenomena